There’s Still Time to Get the Perfect Gift for that Special Sportsman in Your Life!

Now, until December 24th, all deposits received will qualify for our “Rain Check” program, in which the buyer will receive a personalized card and letter of intent from Kurt, to be gifted as a temporary substitute on Christmas Morning. Additionally, submitting a deposit via this program will secure your position in the build line, ensuring that your item will be completed as soon as possible.

Presently, we are backlogged against the Xmas holiday and the remaining 2023-2024 build season however, this program is an excellent way to get your project in line and ready to ship! Our lathes and dryers are turning around the clock!

In the past, the “Rain Check” program has garnered a lot of success and, it facilitates an excellent compromise. Gift that special someone something heart-felt and meaningful, even in a pinch. Reach out via email, social media, or telephone to place a custom order. All of these details can be found on our Contact page.

From our family to yours, wishing you a very merry Christmas and a cheerful New Year!

Published by Kurt C.

Author. Artist. Angler. Handy with a net, okay with a camera.

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